Christine Nappo
Applied Data Fellow, Cook County Office of the President - Bureau of Economic Development
Christine has a background in Economics. She began her career in financial derivative sales with Commerzbank Chicago and London, followed by working with the Chicago Mercantile Exchange on a project to collateralize and manage the financial risks associated with these products. At the CME, Christine was also instrumental in the launch the exchange’s first electronic trading platform, GLOBEX. Christine has also invested her time and energy into philanthropic endeavors in Chicago, most recently serving as President of the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago’s Women’s Board. Prior to her enrollment as a Master of Public Policy student at the University of Chicago, Harris School, Christine fostered an interest in global issues. Working in conjunction with the University of Chicago’s Department of Comparative Human Development, she submitted a thesis addressing topics of social instability with respect to growing immigrant communities in the United Kingdom, Germany and France. At Harris, Christine concentrated on Economic Policy and International Development. Christine is very excited to be an Applied Data Fellow at IIC. She looks forward to playing an instrumental role in the creation of social impact initiatives in her hometown of Chicago.