Priyank Hirani
Team Lead, Water to Cloud Project
Priyank received his MS in Integrated Circuit Design from Imperial College London in 2013. After graduation, he worked for Mullard Space Science Lab in UK before returning to India in 2015 to join the Young India Fellowship (YIF). YIF enhanced his understanding of contemporary India, its heritage, its problems and its international relations. He joined the S3 Andhra Project as an IIC project associate last year working with colleagues from Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI) and Ernst & Young (E&Y). He supported grassroots level implementation of infrastructure improvement and behaviour change strategies working through the entire Faecal Sludge Management value chain in Kovvur, a 40,000 people town in Andhra Pradesh, with limited knowledge of the vernacular language. This year he is excited to lead a river water quality monitoring project using a novel approach involving cyberphysical sensor networks and cloud-enabled data dissemination capabilities. He hopes to inspire data-driven decision making and effective policy discussions through availability of such real-time data and visualisations. Some of his team's recent work can be accessed at